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Thursday, May 28, 2015

NABA Butterfly Count 6/2

Alpine Groves Park will be the site of our first NABA Butterfly Count at the newly-established Bartram Trail Butterfly Circle.  Our garden club members and persons from the public will be able to assist the North American Butterfly Association (NABA) with its long-term data collection about butterfly species, population counts, and locations.  The data provides useful information on species that are or are becoming threatened or endangered, for science-based policy decisions, and just adds to the general store of knowledge about butterflies.  Plus it's fun and an opportunity to socialize with like-minded persons (note, this is not a kid-friendly event).  See the NABA FAQ page for more information.

If you are interested in joining us for the count, please email for information.  The event is weather-dependent (because butterflies don't fly in the rain), so check the weather conditions in the area that morning.  To defray the costs of collecting the data NABA charges $3 per person, so please bring cash or check to The Garden Club of Switzerland.

We'll update you after the event is over!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Happy Birthday Bash for William Bartram

The Garden Club of Switzerland was well represented at the 11th Annual Bartram Bash at Alpine Groves Park on 4/18.  We had several tables of crafts for and about birds and conservation information highlighting the decline of the monarch and the need to plant native milkweed.  We were treated to a stellar performance of, "William Bartram Speaks," featuring Mike Adams, owner of Saturiwa Tree Farm  and Conservation homestead, as William Bartram and his Indian guide and friend (shown in photo along with Beverly Fleming and a member of the Friends of Alpine Groves).   The day was splendid, and the highlight of it was being able to watch our own Beverly Fleming receive the Fellow Man and Mother Earth award for 2015 from the Stetson Kennedy Foundation.  Well-deserved!  

Beverly Fleming Receiving Fellow Man and Mother Earth Award

Janet, Mickey, Linda, and Sarah represented the club and encouraged visitors to enjoy bird-friendly crafts, such as making an owl photo out of pine cone scales or decorating a grapevine wreath with nesting materials so the birds could more easily build their nests.

The tables were busy all day with enthusiastic youngsters.

The materials used were collected out of our gardens.  Here's an example of how a chickadee used some of those materials to build her nest from leaves, lichen, moss, and adding her own touch - animal fur and down.

Mickey had made a tri-fold display describing the monarch decline that many believe qualifies it to be put on the endangered species list.  Our Monarch Committee is encouraging the growth and planting of native milkweed.  Janet got busy in the kitchen and made the cutest butterfly brownies.  Good thing I got a photo before the event started.  They didn't last long...


We think William Bartram would have been delighted by the celebration of his birthday, and we were proud to play a part in the Bartram Birthday Bash.