November 12 Westminster Woods Community Hydroponics Garden: Master Gardener, Jerrel Powell, has taken some of the strain out of vegetable gardening. He'll make a presentation on hydroponic gardening then take us to the Community Garden to see his state-of-the-art vertical growing system that he and residents at Westminster Woods are using to grow vegetables hydroponically. Maps and schedule information are below.
We'll meet at the new Southwood Village Clubhouse at 10. After the business meeting, Mr. Powell will make his presentation. At its Visitor parking spaces are noted on the map of the Southwood clubhouse, but please allow extra time to find a space and walk to the clubhouse. There is one handicap parking space. Garden parking is limited, but should be sufficient if we carpool. There is a sidewalk next to the garden for easy access.
conclusion, we'll carpool to the community gardens (1/3 of a mile away). Click the links below to open the driving maps to the Southwood clubhouse and to the community gardens.